Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kerja Rumah

A 13 years old boy from Indera Mahkota presented to A&E Department with history of fever for the past 4 days and red discolouration of the lower limbs skin for one day.

Students' task :
1. Are there any terms that you do not understand ?
2. Built several questions pertaining to the patient's condition.
3. Identify the main problem and explain how.
4. What are the possible causes of fever ?
5. Built a hypothesis to explain the underlying mechanism involved.



Aizuddin said...

wei sakit ape nih???
Bacterial infection ke mende nih??

Anonymous said...

aku ada cadangan bernas..insyaAllah
kpd pengelola blog ni..
pe kata tuka warna n design utk blog ni..
a bit penuh dgn kehitaman..
maybe leh bunge2 ke (bunge kn salah 1 ciptaan Allah)
ha..baru ar sejuk hati nk buke blog ni

Lupi lagi.. (tapi kucin tu maya yg pnye la) said...

betul3~.. hitam beletung je orang ganu kabo.. hahaha.. :)